
Branding & Website Creation

Softsie - Clothing tag and logo

Softsie started as a fresh new company, creating onesies with lotion infused fabrics. Hamilton developed the logo, website and packaging to give the Softsie brand it's proper launch.

Being a new online retailer, Softsie needed a new brand and website to support their online experience. The brand and website needed to tell a story about the product and how it helps nourish the skin. Centered on colors and imagery, Hamilton was able to create a brand that really encompasses the product and it’s benefits.


  • Responsive
  • Website Design
  • Packaging
  • Email Marketing
  • Website Development


Softsie - Tag Design
Softsie - Responsive Website
Softsie - Website - Home Page
Softsie - Website - About Page
Softsie - Website - Shop Page
Softsie - Email Template