May 17, 2017
When Providence approached Hamilton with an enthusiastic dream to rebrand the firm and launch a new website in time for their 25th anniversary six months away, we couldn’t be more excited. We knew the task was ambitious but we were on board. We loved what they were trying to do and we knew why they saw this as a milestone moment to move their brand forward.
We reacted quickly, assembled the components we needed, gathered the critical data, made swift calculated moves and after almighty efforts from both our client and our team, we’re proud to say that together we forged an impressive enhanced brand and an equally powerful website. We’re truly grateful to the Providence team for their willingness to involve their staff and clients in the process and for the opportunity to share in this extraordinary moment.
As with each client’s branding project, so much thought and intentionality goes into the creation of the final brand destination. Providence best describes that journey in their blog post here:
Here’s a quick glance at the brand before launch and after…
Original Providence Logo:
New Providence Logo:
Original Providence Website:
Congratulations again to the Providence team on their new brand, their new site and 25 remarkable years in serving the community!